Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 1

Ok.. well.. To start, I decided to follow the P90X Lean version. The program comes with 3 different options, Classic, Doubles, and Lean. Being that I am 5'6" and about 140, I opted for lean, because I don't want to build huge bulging muscles, I want to lean out and become more defined. The Lean version focuses more on cardio (good, in case of zombie attack) and endurance.
I just finished Core Synergistics, which is the 1st workout for week 1. Not bad.. I'm definitely sore. But it's a good sore. It's not a bad workout. It's a combination of cardio and strength building. All of the other blogs I read about this made it seem soo.. evil. It's really not THAT bad. Granted... I am in fairly good shape. When I took the fitness test (yes, it is a pop quiz) I passed everything but the wall hold. Basically, that's where you sit in chair position and hold yourself against a wall, BUT.. you can't use hands to support yourself and you can't schooch around. I made it a whopping 36 seconds. And I can't do a pull up to save my life. =(
Anyways, thankfully, before I started this little adventure, I was still riding around the lake and doing my other Crunch videos as prep. It helped! Marc started Classic today, and he was struggling. He has never worked out since I have known him... tomorrow he's gonna be hurting! Tee he he
I was able to get through the 57 mins, including the bonus exercised, and most of the exercises I nailed. Minus the push ups.. push ups and I are not friends.
I'm gonna keep at it though, it would be nice to be able to do 10 pull ups and 25 push ups without my arms feeling like jello.
The diet... well, I miss Diet Mt Dew. I miss bread. I miss snacking on junk. I know it's only been a half of a day, but damnit! I want my Dew!! The diet is strict. I am a level one, meaning I should bring in about 2200 calories a day. However, I am a desk jockey, soo.. I might have to cut some of it back. The first couple of weeks is lots of protein and veggies, minimal carbs and fruits. For example, today, Breakfast was a mushroom omelet, with 3 strawberries and cottage cheese. My snack was a protein shake. I just realized I went over on my fruits.. CRAP! Oh well.. learning curve here.
The idea is to force your body into burning fat instead of storing it. You're also supposed to eat every three hours.. yea... that's more than I eat in a day. It's usually every 4-5 hours for me. Of junk. UGG!
Tomorrow, I get to do Cardio X. This should be fun, I have an 8 hour shift on my butt all day tomorrow, an hour long workout AND class starts again. Plus, I gotta find time for family?? Panic is setting in......

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's here!

The program came in yesterday. Spent most of last night looking over the material. Whoa... there is a lot of crap in it. I mean... the little details. These guys put a lot of thought into it.
I can say, looking over the foods... I am going to miss ice cream. And chocolate. And bread... I love bread. I had a small sundae cup as a farewell gesture to my old life.
I am looking forward to this though. I did some modeling shots last weekend, and I have another shoot coming up in 2 weeks. I felt kinda blah.. and flabby and fat. I know I'm not going to see result ASAP, but I can dream, right?? It would be nice to have some definition by then.
Tonight, we get to do the fitness test. Yes, they tell you to take a fitness test to see if you are ready to start the program. Apparently this program is more for someone who is already 'fit'. Marc is going to have some issues! Ha ha ha... me... I'm only worried about the push ups and pull ups part. I have very little upper body strenght. I'm not so worried about the cardio part, crap, I can ride around our lake in 30 mins, and that is a 5 mile ride....
Ok... guess it's time to go do the fitness test... the husband is eyeballing me...
Wish me luck?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The waiting...

So, the hubs and I have decided to jump on the p90x craze. Yea.. I know, it's late, but we don't want a whole lot of television, so we never heard about this before. I admit, we're internet junkies. Why watch primetime when I can HULU everything?
But, I digress. Anyways, the hubs called me on my way to work a few days ago telling me about this AMAZING exercise videos an old school friend is using. My first thoughts were: "This is a wrong number, My husband, wanting to exercise?? Am I still in bed, dreaming?" I've been trying to get this man to exercise for 5 years now. Hell.... I was proud when he started eating veggies!
Ok, I am going to roll with this one.
Did the research, OUCH, hefty price tag. BUT.. all of the blogs from normal every day people I have read have impressed me. So, we're going for it.
Now, I am not anywhere overweight, I'm about 5'6" and 140 lbs. But... I am turning 35 this year, I am a phone girl and a student, which means I sit, all the time. All day, almost every day. I'm out of shape, kinda saggy and flabby in parts that shouldn't be. I eat junk, and I have a sweet tooth. And, about 5 years ago, after losing a whopping 75 lbs of baby weight, I was a sweet 125 lbs. OUCH! Yea. Time to get my butt back into gear.
P90X is going to be my way of getting back into shape. I could do this using the methods I did last time, but, this is the first time in almost 10 years of marriage that my husband is really trying to get into shape. So, I am going to do this with him. It'll be a 'bonding experience'. Maybe this will keep us both motivated. And help me back into my size 7's!
The reason for the blog is maybe I can inspire someone else, and it holds me accountable. I'm going to try to post every day, or every other day, depending on how busy my schedule gets between work and art school.
My hubs is going to be doing his own blog as well, so maybe you can stop and see his side of this experience. I'll post a link to his, once he gets it all set up.